Monday, January 30, 2012


A day spent learning about the Olympics... it was actually quite interesting. I mean.. did you know that every single country's flag has at least one of the colours on the Olympic flag? That the first Olympics was in 776 BC and that its called a marathon because the Greeks won a war against the Persians in a place called Marathon, and ran the 26 miles to Athens to spread the word of victory.

The best part though... when the speaker said, "It is alleged that the messenger then ran from Athens to Sparta... does anyone know anything about Sparta?"

A moment of silence passes as the kids look around...daring each other to say it...

I wondered what was going on, and realised a second too late as a kid stands up and shouts....

I can't believe it. I've waited months for an opportunity to shout this.. and I was beaten by a 12 year old.

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