Thursday, March 8, 2012

I swear, only to me.

Kings Cross is one of the busiest stations in the world (I say this like it's fact... I have no idea) and I was there today wandering through the busiest part with roughly five heavy bags. I was getting in people's wayyy, tripped once over my wheelie bag but nothing major.

Until a 2x2m poster decided to blow off the wall just as I walked past.. and slap me in the face. It essentially covered my entire body and due to the number of bags I was carrying it stayed on me, blinding me, for at least 10 seconds.

I heard everyone around me laugh....and this is what I looked like.... a station with about 100,000 people in it... did the poster slap ME in the face/whole body.

Because f*ck you... that's why.

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