Sunday, April 1, 2012

Idiot: Genius

Idiot: Genius: Went to stay with the grandparents recently... it threw up a few issues... Firstly Grandad asked me to put music on his new phone, I asked...


Went to stay with the grandparents recently... it threw up a few issues...

Firstly Grandad asked me to put music on his new phone, I asked if he had any music on his computer for me to put on there and he said yes, loads.

We went upstairs and I asked him to show me the music... he then went on the internet, typed in SKYfm radio, jazz channel,  and said 'There... put that music on my phone.'

The next 20 minutes was carnage... trying to explain that you couldn't put all the music off the radio onto your phone, as it wasn't your music.

We had arguments of:
but it is mine, I listen to it on my computer and,
my computer man has done it for me before (no he definitely hasn't).

It was the start of a sequence of computer related torture, trying to teach them how to upload pictures onto facebook when they don't even know how minimise an open page. Or teaching them to download music when they couldn't work out why, when they typed a comment on facebook it wouldn't send (they never actually pressed send...just typed it and expected it to know when to send itself).

I also caught my gran trying to pick some pieces of fudge up off the table by using a spoon... and pushing them onto a knife to try and scoop them up.......... Which essentially led to, what looked like a dirty protest all over our table. She did it about 4 times... 

I casually mentioned that she should probably use the knife to push them onto the spoon, as they'd be slightly easier to scoop in a device designed for scooping and she nearly soiled herself. She cry laughed at full volume for a good 15 minutes, in a restaurant, then told at least 12 people (strangers mostly) the story of how she tried to scoop things up with a knife...